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To the dear mourning family of Pastor Martins Urdza, to the Liepaja Cross Church, to friends!
On behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Latvia, Worldwide Council and myself, I extend our deepest condolences to you. We grieve with you and pray for Christ’s peace for everyone, because we know how much Pastor Martins is missed. He has left a deep mark on your hearts and lives. He has served as a true servant, called and appointed by Christ, blessed by God, much loved! His eyes were able to see your needs and he worked faithfully and resourcefully from the heart to find a way to help.
The words of Christ proclaimed in the church were translated into action in the diakonia centre. The words of Pastor Martins Urdza were in harmony with his deeds, with his whole life. May Christ in mercy grant to each mourner to believe that in entering the kingdom of eternal life, Jesus Himself, our Saviour, said to him:
“Well done, you honest and faithful servant; you have been faithful over little,
I will appoint thee over many. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” (Mat 25:21)
Let us believe that the Apostle Paul’s confession of faith was also fulfilled in him:
“What the eye has not seen, the ear has not heard,
and which hath not entered into the heart of any man,
God has prepared for those who love him.” (I Cor. 2:9)
LELBP remembers Pastor Mārins Urdzi with deep respect and gratitude. We thank him for his great and blessed work, we thank God for the heart, understanding of ministry, family, congregation and blessing He has given him. May it be God’s holy will that we feel His peace and healing, that we trust in the power of His grace and love in the strength of faith.
In compassion and prayer, united with you in the love of Christ and in the hope of the Resurrection.
Lauma Zušēvica, Archibīskape Latvijas evaņģēliski luteriskā Baznīca pasaulē